drawing of Sea Island - Sea Island Heritage Society logo

Our Past is your Present!

We are a non-profit organization focused on promoting, preserving, and being a strong, active resource for all things of heritage value on Sea Island in Richmond, British Columbia. Join us to learn about the history of Sea Island and its residents, past and present.


Calendar of Events

The Sea Island Heritage Society hosts monthly Coffee Chats from September to June for its members. In 2022, the Society started hosting a yearly invitation Sea Island Reunion with great success. Along with its yearly Annual General Meeting and Open House, the Sea Island Heritage Society participates in the family-oriented Burkeville Daze held in June, and other activities in the community. The Society will feature special events on this page, along with books and other material about Sea Island and its citizens.

Books and Prints

The Sea Island Heritage Society has been gifted with books and prints about Sea Island. The sale of the books and prints provide funds to our non-profit organization while supporting local authors and artists.